Gelah Penn
Gelah Penn
Bio, CV, Statement, Press Links
Don't Bother to Knock, 2022
Angels with Dirty Faces, 2021
Prologue, 2020
Ebb Tide, 2019
Situations: Zone 6/Rockland, 2017
High Tide, 2017
Situations, 2017
The Big Red One, Two, 2017
Double Indemnity, 2015
The Big Red One, 2013-15
Polyglot Y: Unhinged, 2015
The Come On, 2013
Where the Sidewalk Ends, 2012
The Big Heat, 2011-12
Niagara, 2012
Scarlet Street, 2011
The Naked City, 2011
Shadow of a Doubt, 2010
Suddenly, 2010
The Naked Kiss, 2009
Clash By Night, 2009
The Narrow Margin, 2008
The Reckless Moment, 2008
Plunder Road, 2008
Drive a Crooked Road, 2007
The Big Combo, 2006
Detour, 2006
Criss Cross, 2006
Criss Cross (LA), 2006
Swing Time, 2006
On Dangerous Ground, 2006
Night Moves, 2003
Daffy Dilly, 2001
Constructed Drawings
Phantom series, 2022-23
Havisham series, 2020-22
Rumor series, 2020-21
Stele series, 2019-20
Polyglot series, 2013-17
Blackfil series, 2007-10
Scribble series, 2006-11
Notes on Clarissa (Volumes I and II)
Artist Books and Catalogues
Chroniques #1
Chroniques #3 -- Collection Gund Library, Cleveland Institute of Art
Chroniques #6 -- Collection Brooklyn Museum Library
Gelah Penn: High Tide
Gelah Penn: Situations and Polyglots
Sliced Polyglot #10
Plastic bags, acrylic paint, metal staples & eyelets on Yupo and lenticular plastic
54 x 28 x 1.5 inches
Sliced Polyglot #1
Plastic bags, acrylic paint, metal staples & eyelets on translucent Yupo
80.5 x 43 x 2.5 inches
Sliced Polyglot #6
Plastic bags, metal staples & eyelets on translucent Yupo
72 x 40 x 1.5 inches
Sliced Polyglot #8
Plastic bags, metal staples & eyelets on translucent Yupo
36 x 23 x 2.5 inches
Sliced Polyglot #5
Plastic bags, metal staples & eyelets on translucent Yupo
56.5 x 31.5 x 3 inches
Sliced Polyglot #2
Plastic bags, metal staples & eyelets on translucent Yupo
91.5 x 27.5 x 3 inches
Sliced Polyglot #7
Plastic bags, metal staples & eyelets on lenticular plastic
96 x 32 x 2.5 inches
Sliced Polyglot #7 (detail)
Sliced Polyglot #4
Plastic bags, metal staples & eyelets on translucent Yupo
33 x 31 x 2.5 inches
Sliced Polyglot #3
Plastic bags, metal staples & eyelets on translucent Yupo
49.5 x 42.5 x 3 inches
Big Serial Polyglot Y (+1)
Plastic bags, lenticular plastic, digital prints, acrylic paint, stainless steel choreboy, metal staples on Yupo
As shown: 108 x 126 x 96 inches
Drawing installation
Polyglot Y #9
Lenticular plastic, digital print, graphite, monofilament, acrylic paint, metal staples on Yupo
34.5" x 12.5" x 3.5"
Polyglot Y Rehinged
Lenticular plastic, digital prints, lenticular plastic, monofilament, acrylic paint, metal staples on translucent Yupo
45 x 64 x 5 inches
Polyglot Y Rehinged, detail
Lenticular plastic, digital prints, lenticular plastic, monofilament, acrylic paint, metal staples on mylar
45 x 64 x 5 inches
Furled Polyglot #3
Lenticular plastic, digital prints, lenticular plastic, monofilament, acrylic paint, metal staples on translucent Yupo
36 x 28 x 8 inches
Polyglot #9
Graphite, monofilament, acrylic, lenticular plastic on Yupo
24" x 16" x 3"
Fractured Polyglot Y
Lenticular plastic, digital print, graphite, monofilament, acrylic paint, metal staples, vinyl-covered Dacron line on Yupo
87" x 51" x 4"
Furled Polyglot #6
Lenticular plastic, digital prints, lenticular plastic, monofilament, acrylic paint, metal staples on Yupo
32 x 40 x g inches
Polyglot #10
Graphite, acrylic, monofilament on Yupo
8" x 8" x 3"
Polyglot Y #10
Lenticular plastic, digital print, graphite, monofilament, acrylic paint, metal staples on Yupo
Polyglot #12
Graphite, monofilament, acrylic on Yupo
21 1/2" x 11 1/2" x 4 1/4"